If like us you have been wondering how lobsters have become a sign for love, with Valentine's Day cards depicting lobsters not roses?

It comes from a moment in the 90's sitcom Friends, when Rachel and Ross fall in love and Phoebe declares:

“C’mon you guys. It’s a known fact that lobsters fall in love and mate for life. You know what, you can actually see old lobster couples walkin’ around their tank, ya know, holding claws!”

No, we didn't remember that either.


If you looking for a lobster for Valentine's Day but aren't sure what to do with it once it arrives we have lots of recipes for you but don't forget you can enjoy it just as it is or if you add a dash of white wine or some butter on top of the meat and pop it in under the grill to heat through. 

A really tasty, quick and easy topping is to soften some butter and add in some peeled brown shrimp, lemon zest, black pepper and salt then roll it up in some cling film or pop it in a pot in the fridge to firm up. When you are ready to heat up the lobsters add the flavoured butter on top before putting it under the grill. You can add some finely chopped chilli, parsley or coriander to the butter to mix it up a bit.