We think oysters are delicious and the more you learn about these little molluscs the more amazing they become. Here are just five reasons why oysters are good for you:

  1. Oysters are high in protein, but also low in fat. In fact, six ounces of oysters has 16 grams of protein helping with tissue repair, immune system functioning, and hormone production.

  2. Oysters have high amounts of zinc, around 28 milligrams in 6 ounces. We only need 8, but that means even a small deficiency can throw you off your game. More zinc means more energy, less colds, proper digestion, even fully functioning taste reception. It also helps with focus and even how your eyes adjust to darkness. 

  3. Oysters also have high levels of selenium, a mineral that’s been said to decrease coronary heart disease and plays a key role in metabolism.

  4. Oysters also produce special amino acids that help regulate stress and improve your mood.

  5. The other minerals in oysters like B12 vitamins may also help with hair loss and help in the never-ending battle against dark under-eye bags.

With this many health benefits to eating oysters, here's where to click to get some delivered to your door!


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